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Tag: Sunflower Bouquet

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  • Sunflowers are known for being “happy” flowers, making them the perfect gift to bring joy to someone’s
  • This item is not available in Valentine’s Day period (12 Feb – 15 Feb) – please refer to our Valentine’s Day collection for available styles.

WFH16-With Love


One of the most popular combinations for bouquets and arrangements is sunflowers and red roses. Sunflowers are cheerful and uplifting, making them a great choice for happy occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. Red roses are classic and romantic, making them perfect for special occasions like proposals or weddings. When combined, sunflowers and red roses create a beautiful and timeless arrangement that is sure to impress.


  • Sunflowers are known for being “happy” flowers, making them the perfect gift to bring joy to someone’s
  • This item is not available in Valentine’s Day period (12 Feb – 15 Feb) – please refer to our Valentine’s Day collection for available styles.



6 Red Rose mixed with 3 Sunflower and Baby Breath hand bouquet.

Gifting it to a partner can convey your feelings of undying love, admiration, and loyalty. For a friend or family member, it can showcase your mutual respect, happiness, adoration, and can be a symbol of a life-long friendship and platonic love. It can be great for encouraging someone going through hard times since these blooms also represent courage, strength, and good luck.

This item is not available in Valentine’s Day period (12 Feb – 15 Feb) – please refer to our Valentine’s Day collection for available styles.



A stalk of Sunflower with small teddy bear hand bouquet..

  • Remarks : Available in Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley Only
  • Note: Due to unavailability of stock, we reserve the right to substitute an item with another of equivalent value or suitable colour without prior notice.
  • This item is not available in Valentine’s Day period (12 Feb – 15 Feb) – please refer to our Valentine’s Day collection for available style

WRG08-Sunshine Galore

  • Sunflowers are truly a flower of friendship. As we’ve seen before, yellow flowers are an ideal gift to reflect a close bond between friends. However, in the case of sunflowers this is doubly so with the flowers not only reflecting strong bonds between friends and lovers but also family too. It’s a great flower to send someone you admire in your life.

WRG15-Sunshine blooming


The beautiful sun flowers with graduation bouquet with matching greenery and a unique design work as picture shown


  • Sunflowers are known for being “happy” flowers, making them the perfect gift to bring joy to someone’s
  • This item is not available in Valentine’s Day period (12 Feb – 15 Feb) – please refer to our Valentine’s Day collection for available styles.

WRS09-Sunny Party


The beautiful sun flowers bouquet with matching greenery and a unique design work as picture shown .(6 stalks as shown.)


  • Sunflowers are known for being “happy” flowers, making them the perfect gift to bring joy to someone’s
  • This item is not available in Valentine’s Day period (12 Feb – 15 Feb) – please refer to our Valentine’s Day collection for available styles.



Sunflowers have a deep love meaning, a person who has loved with sincerity and purity never forgets, on the contrary, truly loves until the end.

WRS12-Sunshine Galore

  • Sunflowers are truly a flower of friendship. As we’ve seen before, yellow flowers are an ideal gift to reflect a close bond between friends. However, in the case of sunflowers this is doubly so with the flowers not only reflecting strong bonds between friends and lovers but also family too. It’s a great flower to send someone you admire in your life.